Q&A: Event Systems

TODO: consider advanced question: correspondence??? is there one between the array version and the tree version?

More on Optimization: inst Syntax

The syntax that you use in examples and to say is linear for a field (like you saw in the ripple-carry adder) is more expressive than you've seen so far. Recall that Forge has two phases: deliniating the allowed search space, and solving the constraints within that search space. This new syntax lets you define a partial instance, which affects the first phase to limit the possible instances the solver will consider.

You can even define a reusable partial instance using the inst command, and use it in the same place you'd use {next is linear} in a run, assert, etc. For example, we could pre-define the set of full adders in the ripple-carry adder model, giving each an atom name:

inst fiveBits {
  FA = `FA0 + `FA1 + `FA2 + `FA3 + `FA4 + `FA5
run {rca} for exactly 1 RCA for {fiveBits}

Because this defines the set of FA atoms that must exist, it does something quite similar to just saying for exactly 5 FA. If we then add entries for the RCA's fields, we manually accomplish what nextAdder is linear would as well, while simultaneously making sure the first full adder in that ordering is what we see in RCA.firstAdder:

inst fiveBits {
  RCA = `RCA0 
  FA = `FA0 + `FA1 + `FA2 + `FA3 + `FA4 + `FA5
  -- Remember the back-tick mark here before atom names! 
  `RCA0.firstAdder = `FA0
  `RCA0.nextAdder = `FA0 -> `FA1 + `FA1 -> `FA2 + `FA2 -> `FA3 + 
                    `FA3 -> `FA4 + `FA4 -> `FA5
run {rca} for exactly 1 RCA for {fiveBits}

So far this is just a long-handed way of doing what we've already done. But partial instances are far more flexible. Remember the optimization we had to do in tic-tac-toe games, where we reduced the bitwidth from 4 to 3? Partial instances give us a much finer degree of control. Where for 3 Int still allows any integer between -4 and 3 to be used, we can use a partial instance to force well-formedness, before the solver ever sees a constraint:

inst ttt_indexes {
  Board = `Board0
  X = `X   O = `O
  Player = X + O
  board in Board -> (0 + 1 + 2) -> (0 + 1 + 2) -> Player

This says that any entry in any board's board field can only use the values 0 through 2, inclusive. It has an impact very similar to the wellformed pred we wrote, but can be much more efficient. (You'll learn more about why in the next chapter.)

Exercise: Compare the statistical info for the original tic-tac-toe game run with and without this added partial instance information. Do you notice any changes? What do you think might be going on, here?

Think, then click!

The statistical information is reporting runtime, but also something else: the number of "clauses" and "variables". It turns out these express how big the boolean constraint problem is before the solver gets it. Partial instances can reduce these, and thus make the problem easier for the solver.