
Forge has a number of options that affect how it functions and how its solver is configured. They all have the same form: option <key> <value>. Settings are case sensitive. The available setting keys are:

  • verbose: governs the amount of information provided in the REPL. 1 is standard; 0 will omit statistical information (useful for test suites); 10 will print exceedingly verbose debugging information. Values between 1 and 10 gradually increase verbosity.
  • solver: sets the solver used by Forge's worker process. The default is SAT4J, a Java-based solver. Other solvers can be more performant, and produce different instance orderings, depending on model. The MiniSatProver solver will enable extraction of unsat cores. Support for native solvers varies by OS. Currently:
    • MacOS (x64 and arm64 .dylib):
      • MiniSat, MiniSatProver, and Glucose
    • Linux (.so):
      • MiniSat, MiniSatProver, and Glucose
    • Windows (.dll):
      • MiniSatProver
    • All:
      • "<path-to-solver>", which lets you run a solver of your own that accepts DIMACS input (see the section below for instructions).
  • logtranslation: controls how much of the translation from Forge to boolean logic is logged. The default is 0; must be 1 or higher to extract unsatisfiable cores.
  • coregranularity: controls how fine-grained an unsatisfiable core will be returned. Default is 0. Suggested value is 1 if you want to see cores.
  • core_minimization: controls whether cores are guaranteed minimal. Default is off. For minimal cores, use rce; hybrid is not guaranteed minimal but is often better than off while being faster than rce.
  • sb: controls maximum size of symmetry-breaking predicate. 20 is default. Higher numbers increase Forge's ability to rule out equivalent instances, at a potential performance cost.
  • skolem_depth: gives how many layers of universal quantifiers to Skolemize past. Default is 0; to disable Skolemization, give -1.
  • engine_verbosity: sets the Logger level used by Pardinus (default=0). The following table is current as of version 1.5.0 (when the option was added):
case 0 : return Level.OFF;
case 1 : return Level.SEVERE;
case 2 : return Level.WARNING;
case 3 : return Level.INFO;
case 4 : return Level.FINE;
case 5 : return Level.FINER;
case 6 : return Level.FINEST;
default : return Level.ALL;
  • run_sterling: decides whether to use the Sterling visualizer. Default is on. To disable, give off. Alternatively, pass a string containing the file path of a visualizer script to auto-load it in Sterling.
  • sterling_port: sets the port used by the Racket web-server that Sterling connects to. The default picks an unused ephemeral port.
  • test_keep: controls Forge's behavior when running test suites. The default (first) will cause Forge to stop immediately on the first test failure. The only currently-supported alternative (last) will cause Forge to run all tests and print a report at the end; only the final test failure will remain open for use with Sterling.
  • problem_type: used to enable temporal_mode for Alloy6-style LTL support. This option is deprecated in favor of using #lang forge/temporal instead, and may be removed in future versions.
  • no_overflow (default: false): when set to true, enables the Pardinus/Kodkod backend's overflow protection. This will exclude instances which satisfy the given problem only due to bitwidth overflow semantics. E.g., Counter.x = add[2,2] would not be satisfiable at bitwidth 3 with this option set to true, because 4 is greater than the maximum value available with 3 bits.

Location matters!

Options apply from the point they occur onward until either the file ends or the same setting is changed. For instance, only the second run command in this example will print verbose debugging information.

sig Node {edges: set Node}
run {}
option verbose 10
run {}
option verbose 1
run {}

Custom Solvers

Forge can use a solver of your choice to produce instances; this is most often used to experiment with the solver you build in the DPLL homework. There are a few factors to be aware of.


While the "Next" button will be enabled in Sterling, the custom solver functionlity will always return the first instance found by the custom solver. There is also no support for unsatisfiable-core extraction; the custom solver will only report "unsat" for an unsatisfiable problem.


To invoke a custom solver, provide a double-quoted filepath literal as the solver name:

option solver "<filepath-to-solver>"

Note that:

  • the file must exist at the path specified;
  • the file must be executable;
  • the file must implement the DIMACS input/output format given in the DPLL assignment stencil;
  • if the file is a script using a #! preamble, the preamble must point to the correct location. E.g., if the file is a Python script that begins with #!/usr/bin/python3, your Python 3 executable must reside at /usr/bin/python3.

The solver engine doesn't return rich information in the case of failure. Should any of these conditions not be met, you'll see a generic Pardinus crash error.


If you're using Windows directly (rather than the Linux subsystem), extensions like .py will not be treated as executable. It may be useful to create a batch file (.bat extension) that invokes your solver, and give that batch file as the path in option solver instead.


If you want to create a batch script on MacOS or Linux, you might try something like this in a run.sh file:

python3 solver.py $1

On windows, you could try something like this, in a run.bat file:

python3 solver.py %1

You might then invoke your solver via a .frg file like this:

#lang forge

-- MacOS or Linux:
option solver "./run.sh"

-- Windows:
-- option solver "./run.bat"

sig Node {edges: set Node}

test expect {
    s: {some edges} for 1 Node is sat
    u: {no edges 
        all n: Node | some n.edges} for exactly 1 Node is unsat

-- This will work, but will only ever show one instance:
--run {}

If your script can be executed directly, then you can replace ./run.sh in the above with the path to your script, including filename. On Windows, you will only be able to reference .bat or .exe files in your Forge solver option.